Jim Carrey Steps Away From Kick-Ass 2

Jim Carrey took to Twitter to announce he will not promote Kick-Ass 2 in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy.
The response is split even. Half are commending the actor/comedian for standing up for what he believes. The other half retort if he feels so passionately on the subject, then donate your earnings (Guessing he didn't take much upfront in exchange for back-end points) to charities, anti-gun organizations, victims of shootings and their families, etc.
I, of course, am in the latter category.
If this is truly in his heart, I take no issue. No reasonable human being would. Just hand over the cash; since Carrey is treating it like blood money and to publicly come out to proclaim this move. If he doesn't and keeps harping on his self-righteousness, then you can add him to another in a long line of Hollywood hypocrites. If he practices what he preaches, then he deserves our respect.
One thing we can all agree on. Universal is not happy right now...
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