Proof Clark Kent Wears Those Dorky Glasses in Man of Steel

For some reason, Clark Kent wearing glasses in The Man of Steel was in doubt. Guessing that had to do with Zack Snyder making fun of the traditional disguise. He also said Zod wasn't the villain and look how that worked out for Michael Shannon.
If you saw the Comic-Con presentation last year, a few choice seconds were dedicated to Henry Cavill walking into an elevator and popping his signature specs on. And if you followed the Siegel/Shuster court-case, you knew it was going to happen. They had to feature anything originating from Action Comics #1 to legally cover their asses for any sequels.
Still not convinced? Warner Brothers teamed with Warby Parker for a new line of glasses with designs "inspired by the much anticipated film, Man of Steel."
So yeah, he wears the damn glasses. Probably in the last five minutes.
Source: Warby Parker
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