Carrie Fisher Confirms (Again) She's in Episode VII

Harrison Ford has been doing the Deer in Headlights routine since last fall and Mark Hamill has been Mark Hamill (That is to say awesome). But it was Carrie Fisher who first publicly confirmed they were returning for Star Wars: Episode VII. Until her people said, "Oh she was joking!"
But the Mystery Box is headed to the Recycling Bin (Kathleen Kennedy confirmed days ago) and Fisher has reconfirmed her participation:
"Yes, Carrie Fisher confirmed to a rapt audience at the BMO Centre Saturday afternoon that she will in fact be reprising her most famous role of Princess Leia in a new series of Star Wars films, which will be produced by Disney. She was the first of the original cast members to announce her participation back in March, although apparently jumped the gun. Her publicist later said she was joking and that nothing had been confirmed.
However, it seems to be a done deal now. But for fans looking for a sneak-peek of what to expect in the new film, Fisher didn’t offer many juicy details. 'I like being bought by Disney, because they never wanted to buy me before,’ she said during a talk at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo.
'I'm glad they are doing a new movie because they are sending a trainer to my house so I can get in really good shape. So I’m really eating a lot of sugar in advance, as you can see. By the time I really get down to it I will have eaten everything.'"
Disney says Episode VII will be out for summer 2015. I still don't believe them. Whatever the release is, looking forward to seeing, and hearing, more of Fisher in the press.
Source: Calgary Herald (via Coming Soon)
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