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Get Ready to Get Sick of Star Wars

That specialness of a new Star Wars film, seeing it opening night, then a few dozen more times afterwards, hitting the forums to proclaim how awesome/terrible it was, getting it out of your system, cooling off and then the anticipation for the next one waiting by our computers for the title, actors, pictures and trailers and thinking "If it's as good as the last one, I'll be happy" or, more appropriately, "I hope they don't screw it up like they did the last one!"

That is three years in the making. That's just how the formula works. Well, worked.

Disney announced this afternoon at CinemaCon Star Wars: Episode VII will hit theaters for summer 2015 release and hence forth a new Star Wars installment (the official trilogy and standalone films) will be out every summer other summer. That is the Marvel/Pixar pattern all right.

It might be the scorn of the Interwebs but the two year buildup to The Phantom Menace is unmatched. That time in geekdom I wouldn't trade for anything. Churning out Star Wars movies every. single. year takes away from its specialness. Something George Lucas understood. Say what you will about the man and Lucasfilm's rampant product whoring but he knew the value of a Star Wars movie on the market every three years.

But hey you wanted Lucas gone so bad, this is what you get.

Source: Coming Soon

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