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    General Zod to Earth: "You Are Not Alone!"

    It's not much but it will do as anticipation builds for the third Man of Steel trailer.

    What was that "static" on the official site all about? It's a message from General Zod informing us we are not alone... and for Superman (or "Kal-El" as he refers to him) to surrender.

    Sounds familiar:

    We're wondering if it relates to Zod and a purported scene. The General interrupts all transmissions (TV, radio, Internet, cell-phones) warning the denizens of Earth. He's "traveled across an ocean of stars" to locate the criminal he refers to as "Kal-El." They can hand over the Kryptonian fugitive hiding among them or face annihilation.

    When the static clears (depending on which theory you believe) it might be Michael Shannon and his soul-patch staring at us.

    Is a "TOLDJA" in order?

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