Toy Set Offers Clue to Additional Man of Steel Villain
History has shown toy displays can be quite the unintended spoilers. Remember advanced toy packaging for The Amazing Spider-Man blabbing the Lizard turning SWAT officers into fellow reptiles?
The London Toy-Far is going down and on display are items from Man of Steel. While no pictures were taken (Studios slowly catching on to how this blows plot points), Blogomatic 3000 was there to take note:
"The set numbers and titles for these sets are as rumoured: 76002 Superman Metropolis Showdown, 76003 Superman Battle of Smallville and 76009 Superman Black Zero Escape. Minifigures featured in the sets include Superman, Zod, Faora, Tor-An and a General Zod figure variant in some kind of armour. The standout piece in the range is in set 76009 – a large spaceship with an almost 'bug'-like appearance..."
Everything reads fine, but who exactly is Tor-An? Haven't heard of him prior and up until this point, we only knew of Zod and Faora being the only Kryptonian baddies duking it out with Henry Cavill's Superman.
A quick search shows Tor-An is a fellow Kryptonian and devoted follower of the General. His plans went as far as disguise himself as a human not unlike our red-and-blue suit wearing hero. A look at his physically appearance shows a resemblance to Tahmoh Penikett, who is listed by the notoriously iffy IMDB as Henry Ackerdson (aka Metallo). But the actor himself tweeted he couldn't talk go into specifics about his role - namely who he is playing.
Perhaps this is the mysterious role he was alluding to?
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