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    Ryan Reynolds Confirmed for Highlander

    The saying goes, "There can be only one."

    Try telling that to Ryan Reynolds' management. Have to hand it to them really. The dude has been set up as this huge deal numerous times. It never pans out. Yet when the latest attempt fails, there's always someone else convinced the four quads don't know what they're talking about (You know when they vote with their wallets by not seeing Reynolds-starring fare) and that he is destined to be a mega-star.

    A month ago, Variety scooped the ex-Emerald Knight was the front-runner for Lionsgate/Summit's Highlander remake. Tracking Board is here to confirm its "done deal" status. Reynolds will swordfight homeless people in parking lots for helmer Juan Carlos Fresnadillo.

    Nothing personal, everyone talks about Reynolds being a super cool guy (Heard as much from Green Lantern down here). But where is the appeal investors keep seeing? Is it that he's Canadian?

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