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    « "Goats" & "The Tall Man" Posters Featuring Vera Farmiga & Jessica Biel | Main | Looper International Trailer »

    New Total Recall Trailer Cock-Blocks Us Outta Seeing Three-Breasted Woman!

    If you're going for the three-breasted woman (again) in Total Recall, don't talk about it. SHOW IT! Damn green-band trailers! Here's the second one for Len Wiseman doing Paul Verhoeven (per Yahoo! Movies), minus all the delicious Verhoeven-isms.

    Everything else, whatever:

    Reader Comments (1)

    "What can I say? I give good wife."

    So much for this being a "more serious, less campy verison of the original story"

    Give me strength!

    06-28-2012 | Unregistered Commenterwelshfilmbuff

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