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    « Viral Marketing Reveals New "The Dark Knight Rises" Trailer | Main | New International, & Spoilerific, Prometheus Trailer »

    The Dark Knight Rises Viral Leads You to Frames of Final Trailer

    That didn't take long. has an "Anonymous Vigilante Investigation" report including the Arrest Warrant for "John Doe, aka 'THE BATMAN.'" On the last page of "Police Evidence," a simple click leads you to the opening frames of the trailer to be released in front of The Avengers this weekend.

    Coming Soon (from Super Hero Hype! forums) has already cracked it and have frames from said trailer.

    Warner Brothers has been smart downplaying The Dark Knight Rises. Let The Avengers bask in all the glory. Marvel deserves their day in the sun and they'll have it, especially if indications are right and Joss Whedon's epic team-up breaks the 3-day record.

    But once the dust has settled, it's all about Christopher Nolan and his Batman finale, baby. Chief among complaints is their lack of a viral marketing campaign. This morning, they heard your cries.

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