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    There Will Be a Chronicle Sequel

    From that glowing, crystallized object and its resemblance to the starship Marlon Brando put the baby Kal-El in Richard Donner's Superman to the fact co-star Alex Russell himself could pass for a young Clark Kent before the red-and-blue suit and the bumbling disguise days, Chronicle played like an Elseworlds comic brought to life. So much so that by the time you see Russell's character Matt flying off at the end, you think, "Okay so he's going off to be Superman now!?"

    There isn't much need to elaborate on the origins of that extraterrestrial ship nor do we need to see Matt randomly saving people across the globe if not meeting up with others the Josh Trank-directed film hinted may have also been effected. But Chronicle made good mint and like any studio seeing big dollar-signs coming off low costs, they want more.

    "TOLDJA" says Fox has hired Max Landis to return to write a sequel. The fact there will be another Chronicle doesn't mean we'll see actor Russell back per say. It's not a guarantee it would even follow the same "found footage" (For lack of a better term) format either. All it means at the moment is writer Landis is in for a big(ger) paycheck this time out. Nothing wrong with that. The guy's earned it.

    I just don't like continuing in this world, and potentially with these characters again, when Landis and helmer Trank did such a great job telling a complete and satisfying story the first time out. Not everything needs to have a sequel just because it was successful... and I say that knowing what a naive jackass I sound like.

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