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    Hunger Games Clip: Katniss Meets Cinna

    Since The Hunger Games shaping up to be huge hit, what with advance ticket sales breaking a record previously held by one of the Twilight films (yay!), mall tour mania, and tracking for an opening weekend that could wind up anywhere from $70 -$100 million, the movie probably doesn't need any other extra help getting the word out that it's about to hit theaters, but a new clip is more than welcome anyway, so that's just what we have.

    This new clip, called "Here to Help You" features Lenny Kravitz's stylist Cinna introducing himself to a frightened Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence), and subtly explaining his plan to make her and fellow District 12 tribute Peeta "make an impression" before they're paraded for the Capitol before the start of Games.  That of course, leads to the infamous "Girl on Fire" costume that should look pretty damn cool if it's done right (and for the record, I have no idea how the hell they're going to pull that off).

    You can watch the clip here, courtesy of Yahoo Movies:



    Lenny Kravitz is going to be a great Cinna.  That is exactly how I pictured him from the book.

    The Hunger Games opens in theaters on March 23. 

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