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    Of Course Jane Goldman Is Writing X-Men: Second Class

    When Matthew Vaughn signs on to direct anything, it's a given his writing partner-in-crime/BFF Jane Goldman is tagging along. Those two are practically joined at the hip. It's cute really.

    So when Vaughn agreed to return for the X-Men: First Class sequel, you knew we'd hear of Goldman returning. Only a matter of time before him, Goldman herself or some press release (When Fox was ready to present their game strategy) confirmed the inevitable. In this case, straight from Goldman speaking to Hey U Guys:

    Guess that means Simon Kinberg completed his contractual duties and it's in the hands of Vaughn, Goldman and Bryan Singer?

    No idea when to expect Second Class. Word was Fox was eying to get it ready for 2013. Then they turned around and set the Wolverine sequel for next July. Filming is supposed to start this fall but mum's been the word on how things are going along and we're almost into the summer. In the event that hits another snap (Altogether possible; not definite) wouldn't be the most unusual thing to see Fox fast-track this to fill an empty slot.

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