Michael Bay Confirmed for Transformers 4

Michael Bay and Paramount have come to terms with an arrangement where both parties are happy. Bay gets to helm Pain & Gain with Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne Johnson first, followed by a fourth Transformers installment for June 29, 2014, Bay confirmed on his official site today.
The original story, dating back to last December from Vulture, said the studio was dangling the body-building centered crime thriller, a long time pet project of Bay's, over his head in order for him to commit to more carnage and destruction with the Autobots. An irrelevant concern now since everyone is (pretending to be) friends again.
With that resolved, the narrative everyone is going by is about finding the right story, if you actually believe that's a concern on their end, and what actors will carry over from the Transformers trilogy besides Shia LaBeouf who claims he's not returning by his own choice. A claim I don't buy given the crap he's put those productions through with his offscreen shenanigans and his mouth.
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