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    Universal Is Really Gonna Try That 50 Shades of Grey Film - Hires Screenwriter

    This SNL bit compasses what I, and most men, think of 50 Shades of Grey. Not to be the sexist pig (Too late?) but every time the best-seller is in the conversation I've had to ask my friends, "That's the sex book women like, right?"

    And like all publications that break out, Hollywood comes a calling. How you make this into a viable commodity is the $64,000 question. Not every popular novel translates onscreen. Just ask The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Every detail for Sony's American remake was the news of the day from David Fincher directing to unknown Rooney Mara besting her higher-profile competition for the Lisbeth Salander role. Then the "Feel-Bad Movie of Christmas 2011" tanked.

    And this subject is also not dinner-table conversation. But despite that obstacle staring them in the face, Universal is giving it a shot and has commissioned Kelly Marcel for scripting duties. Her claim to fame is co-creating the short-lived sci-fi series Terra Nova (more known for its massive budget and Steven Spielberg pedigree) and Saving Mr. Banks, the currently-lensing story behind Mary Poppins.

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