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    « Brad Pitt May Go '20,000 Leagues Under' With David Fincher | Main | Warner Brothers Scores Key Superman Rights Win »

    Warner Brothers Yanking the Justice League Chain, Again

    Warner Brothers won big yesterday in the courts over Superman. Today they're cocky. Their victory opens up the possibilities to utilize Supes past The Man of Steel next June, including sequels, cartoons and most importantly the oft-rumored, oft-planned, oft-sighed upon Justice League movie.

    In lieu of said big win, the LA Times says the studio is "aiming" Justice League for summer 2015. Yes, intentionally pitting them against The Avengers 2:

    "The studio is expected to accelerate development of a planned ‘Justice League’ movie that would join Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman and other characters, according to a knowledgeable person not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

    Warner hopes to shoot the film next year and release it in the summer of 2015. The studio already has a 'Justice League' script in the works. Next it needs to attach a director and then cast the lead roles."

    We've heard this kind of excitement before from studio-brass (That Wall-Street Journal Jeff Robinov interview I've often referenced). More likely scenario is the Man of Steel follow-up hitting that summer instead. Until more information gets out, one would be wise to not take this development to heart.

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