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    WB Aiming High for Twilight Zone Director

    Anthology films are a tough nut to crack. The reason they fail is the lack of a singular voice in charge. The formula of hiring several directors, letting them run off with their individual teams, making their short individual films and gluing them all together into a two-hour feature doesn't work.

    Its with that we can all agree no matter if this sees the light of day or it does and still doesn't turn out as hoped, Warner Brothers has learned from that mistake made by Twilight Zone: the Movie from 1983.

    The studio wants one director to tell one story for their new Twilight Zone movie (that for some reason is untitled – who the Hell are we kidding, it's going to be called The Twilight Zone) being produced by Leonardo DiCaprio and Variety says their short-list for helmers is comprised of Michael Bay, Alfonso Cuaron, Christopher Nolan and Rupert Wyatt.

    With his status as their Pope, it's no surprise the trades' source say Nolan is the front-runner and the still-hot-off Rise of the Apes Wyatt is deemed the dark-horse. Although I have to say, Nolan is the least interesting choice because one could already imagine how he'd do a Twilight Zone movie. No offense, bud. Michael Bay is actually the intriguing in that group. If you're going to make me guess, I'd say Wyatt wins due to his being the most economic choice. Translation: he's the cheapest.

    But we're getting ahead of ourselves, let's see if this moves forward and doesn't stall in development Hell. Plus none of these guys could get the job at the end of the day. We'll see.

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