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    Ryan Reynolds Wishes You'd Stop Asking Jason Bateman about An Arrested Development Movie

    How much is Jason Bateman sick and tired of being asked about that Arrested Development movie? Enough for Ryan Reynolds to "mockingly" send up his real thoughts to Coming Soon on that question asked every single time he has a new movie to promote:

    For real, how many more times can Bateman, Will Arnett or Jeffrey Tambor keep using the same "Mitch Hurwitz is writing it and we'll hopefully start filming by next year" answer before it sinks into these idiot interviewer's skulls that it's a pipe-dream?

    As a fan of the television-series (neck-in-neck with The Simpsons as my favorite show) and curious to see what Hurwitz could concoct for the Bluths circa 2011, even I don't think it's ever going to happen. Stop wasting everyone's time with these hit-whoring questions and move the fuck on.

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