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    Albert Hughes to Akira: "It's Not You...It's ME!"

    Akira was still without actors to play leads Kaneda and Tetsuo and, as reported by JoBlo, no pre-viz team at work. You can also add director to that growing list of missing components.

    "TOLDJA" says Albert Hughes has walked from the live-action manga adaptation. They say Warner Brothers/Legendary Pictures plan to grab another filmmaker to fill Hughes' place and going back to their original short-list for actors after Keanu Reeves passed.

    More and more headaches for a project that most of us don't think will ever see the light of day. How much longer 'till both studios publicly throw in the towel?

    I hope that one day concept work and/or test footage finds its way online. I think we all want to see just how the Hell they planned to pull this off.

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