And We're Still Waiting for Rock-Solid Star Trek 2 News...

UPDATE: Since we just brought this up, this comes as a surprise to no one, with brain cells. To be fair, there are a lot of people out there who never contemplated this scenario and always take what studios say at face value. Because they never (ever) lie about anything. Yeah, I know – dumbasses.
"TOLDJA" says all signs are pointing to a release date shift for Star Trek 2. Nothing definite but Paramount's sights are currently set for a December 2012 release now. But the upside is J.J. Abrams is expected to announce relatively soon (from the sounds of it, before Super 8 opens in three weeks) he will return to direct.
So, get ready for some competition for that nerd dollar next Christmas, Superman!
If memory serves me correctly, the last update on Star Trek 2 (a sequel that I and many nerds and non-nerds can't wait to see) was everyone waiting on a finished script from Robert Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof, the thumbs up or down from J.J. Abrams to direct and Paramount went as far to shuffle their Jack Ryan reboot in order for Chris Pine to captain the U.S.S. Enterprise a second time in order to make their long-announced June 29, 2012 release.
That was back in late March and, drum roll; we're still waiting as of the end of May. Wonderful, and as Abrams makes the press rounds to pimp his latest Super 8, people will continue to ask until more definite news is announced. Talking to Fox All Access, Abrams was brief and to the point:
"We're working hard on that script, and fingers crossed, we'll be able to make an announcement on that pretty soon"
Well, that's encouraging right?
Adding to that, co-screenwriter/producer Orci went to the Trek Movie forums and addressed some (truthfully realistic) concerns brought up by posters, adding just how much has been cooked up for the untitled Trek sequel:
"Orci: [to Capt. Crash] None of the above. Just been waiting for JJ to be free to really decide if he likes the story and hear his suggestions before we finish the script. Once he says go, we'll have it in no time. Meanwhile, our outline is detailed enough (70+ pages!) to do some prep :)"
It's possible (Look at how balls-tight the X-Men shoots have been, including First Class) but, at this juncture, I just don't see how they're going to make their late June '12 opening. Maybe they'll prove me wrong, but I say Paramount will wind up pushing Star Trek 2 to Christmas 2012 and instead of butt-hurting The Amazing Spider-Man they'll put the pain to The Man of Steel.
Reader Comments (2)
Both The Amazing Spider-Man and The Man of Steel will be better than Star Trek 2! :)
I will see all 3 whenever they get released.
All 3 should be good and movie goers will be the winners.