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    Chris Hemsworth is the Latest Snow White & the Huntsman Contender

    It'll only be a few more days 'till Thor hits stateside and we see if Chris Hemsworth can gain from the good-will he's already earned from his Star Trek performance. While there's still the matter of The Avengers for next May, beyond that is a question-mark for the Australian actor. It's rather on the soon-ish side of things to discuss Thor or Avengers follow-ups.

    But while we wait to see how Thor does this weekend (I personally think it's going to do OK, but nowhere near spectacular numbers), Hemsworth is already on Universal's radar for Snow White & the Huntsman, reports Variety. The trades say he's the front-runner for the title role next to Kristen Stewart and the part is reportedly his if he so chooses.

    I'm guessing Hemsworth and his representation are waiting for the afore-mentioned opening weekend for Thor before making further commitments (i.e. his pay-bump would go up if Kenneth Branagh's Marvel epic clicks) assuming the shooting schedule for The Avengers doesn’t intervene with Snow White. This would also make him the fourth actor linked to the part starting with Viggo Mortensen, Hugh Jackman and most recently fellow Aussie Joel Edgerton.

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