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    Tobey Maguire Joins Life of Pi

    Way before you kids knew him as Spider-Man, Tobey Maguire was a reliably solid character-actor appearing in one great movie after another. Go ahead, and check out his filmography pre-dating 2002 and tell me I'm wrong. I'll wait.

    With his days as the web-slinger over, he's going back to those roots and that’ a great thing. In addition to Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby (an example of director and material that seem like a great fit, not to mention that cast), Variety reports Maguire has signed on to reunite with one of his early collaborators: director Ang Lee for his adaptation of Life of Pi.

    He'll play the writer who interviews the protagonist as an adult (played by Irrfan Khan, who also appears in The Amazing Spider-Man in a strange case of connecting-the-dots) about his experience as a young boy shipwrecked for 227 days stranded in a boat with a Bengal tiger.

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