3D Gimmick May Have Claimed Its Latest Victim: Star Trek 2

Two items have popped up on the subject of Captain Kirk, Spock, Bones & Co. courtesy of What's Playing.
First, the Star Trek sequel is locked in to start filming this September (Talk about balls-tight production schedule – but hey, that's on them!) Secondly, looks like this 3D non-sense is rearing its ugly head for Trek 2 again. Not definite, but word is J.J. Abrams is mulling over "adding a stereoscopic 3D element to the newly polished enterprise." The key word there is "might."
Translation: Abrams is willing to make a concession to shut Paramount up. As if it needs that gimmick to secure more asses in seats next June.
This all feels like my diet, in a way. It's going to happen, but there are the good and bad days to weather through. On some, I'm confident, feeling like a million bucks and staying the course. Followed by those type days with the uncertainty, doubt and self-loathing of being a fat-fuck – all you fatties out there know what I’m talking about.
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