SOMEBODY Feels Confident – DreamWorks Commissions Real Steel Sequel

DreamWorks seems to think "boxing robots" blended together with everyone's favorite Hugh Jackman will be enough for Real Steel to KO the box-office (A part of me just died typing that...) this October.
While I obviously haven't seen the film myself, I can vouch that audiences I've seen the trailer with reacted generally positive. Apparently the studio has been undertaking some screenings here and there recently to great reaction.
So even despite another six months till its release (and we'll get another trailer between now and then), "TOLDJA" says they're already thinking sequel. Hey, I like money too. So I suppose I can't hold that against them. John Gatins, who adapted the original Richard Matheson short-story into the Real Steel script, is back onboard for a second round of penning duties.
Don't ask me to guess what a sequel would entail – professional robot wrestling?
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