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    Joaquin Phoenix In Talks for Paul Thomas Anderson's "Scientology" Drama

    It was one of the most disappointing times to hear of a film falling apart.

    Last year, Paul Thomas Anderson was working on a 50s-era drama at Universal centering on a Scientology-like religious organization and the relationship between its leader (to be played by Phillip Seymour Hoffman) and his closest ally (to be played by Jeremy Renner). Don't believe it ever had an official title, but many of us were referring it to as The Master.

    Obviously, the non-subtle Scientology subtext caused concern with studio brass (Because as we all know, it's A-OK to poke at Christians but no one else!) and the project got nuked with the age-old "indefinitely delayed" phrase used. It didn't help that Universal couldn't take such a financial risk after all the misfires they approved previously including this weekend's Your Highness.

    Thankfully for us fans of potentially-great films, word seeped through Vulture awhile back that funding for The Master looked like it was coming through after all, and now in a bit of perfect casting (given his history) Joaquin Phoenix is in talks to early talks to replace Renner according to Variety.

    Playing someone who starts out crazy and over the course of the film begins to realize the insanity of this Scientology-type (*Wink wink*) group could be an interesting way to convince people he really isn't crazy. Like he deliberately made everyone think for two years. It won't fully win people back, but it is a start for Phoenix.

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