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    Green Lantern Suit Still Looks Iffy – But Now with Toes!

    Are you fans out there still unsure about the CG-suit-and-masked Green Lantern? Even after seeing that improved, but still in-the-works WonderCon footage?

    Then, these pictures courtesy of Breaking News USA probably won't help that uneasiness. No, this doesn't look that awesome either, and these are doctored pictures too! I will say though, I like the little touch of his toes being visible in the "suit." The mask is still shit though.

    Reader Comments (3)

    Some cool photos. As for look it looks fine but will be better in motion.

    04-12-2011 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

    The lower edges of the mask need to curve up on a slant. That's really my opnly issue with the mask, I just don't like the rectangular shape of it. The rest of the suit is fine, IMO.

    04-12-2011 | Unregistered CommenterNick

    I think this suit effect would work great on Aquaman.

    04-13-2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Zodfather

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