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    Alyson Hannigan Gets Finger Back in the Pie

    It was news, but not really. I mean was anyone, honestly, surprised when they heard how most of the American Pie cast was signing up for American Reunion?

    Outside of Sean William Scott (who's well in the comedy genre is just now about dry), nobody in the cast has amounted to much in their filmography. To think a decade ago, American Pie 2 was one of the most anticipated films with all the secrecy around the production and how those actors were popping up all over the place and up for quite a few high-profile gigs (Remember Chris Klein being rumored as Anakin Skywalker?)

    The only other Pie alum with a stable career has been Alyson Hannigan, thanks to TVs How I Met Your Mother. She's also been the biggest question-mark of those to return for just that reason. But it appears we've avoided hearing about her character off-screen as she's signed on for a fourth slice.

    For those curious about what to expect (Personally that series was never my cup of coffee – never understood what people saw in them), check out What's Playing for plot details.

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