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    Darren Aronofsky & The Wolverine Are Done Professionally

    Just when fans were having their faith steadily restored in X-Men again as First Class approaches.

    In news that will castrate enthusiasm for the sequel-to-a-prequel, THR has the breaking news of Darren Aronofsky vacating his planned directing duties on The Wolverine.

    Both Aronofsky and 20th Century Fox are playing nice with his exit releasing separate statements to the press and the Oscar-nominated director pegged it on his not wanting to leave the country for so long. Which, all due respect, reeks of bullshit. From the start, it was known this would be an overseas shoot with plans (in all probability down the toilet for obvious reasons) to lens primarily in Japan.

    Personally I'm happy Aronofsky's off the project. If he has a big blockbuster itch to scratch, I never liked that he was settling on taking fourth-helpings after Bryan Singer, Brett Ratner and Gavin Hood instead of rebooting a franchise from the top up and adding his stamp or just doing something commercial originating from his own noggin. But yes, I'm disappointed for the fans looking forward to this.

    Reader Comments (3)

    Would have been interesting to see what he would have done with the character. This film is probably doomed even more then it was.

    03-17-2011 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

    How is it Bullshit? He signed to direct the movie before he and Rachel Weisz split up. Now they are in a custody battle over their son. Leaving the country for nearly a year while your wife is trying to convince a judge she should have full custody of your son would hurt your case. Could it be BS, maybe, but you have no inside information or much knowledge about what's going on to have an educated guess either.

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