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    Red Dawn Remake Will Now Offend North Korea Instead of China

    When MGM inked their deal with the dark lord Satan to avoid financial oblivion (back when it was all but certain), apparently said agreement entailed them giving up their balls according to the Los Angeles Times.

    The studio has made the controversial, and stupid, and cowardly decision to digitally alter their long-finished Red Dawn remake. Instead of our teenage freedom fighters (with Thor's Chris Hemsworth front and center) shooting rounds against the invading Chinese, it'll be the North Koreans now.

    Because as we all know, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, whatever; as long as they have slanted eyes and talk in gibberish what's the difference right? For all their concern of pissing off the Chinese with their depictions in Red Dawn, isn't the "solution" even more offensive in nature?

    Of all the extras used what portion of them was in actuality of Chinese descent? So just changing the symbols and some dialogue snip-bits should cancel out how flamingly racist this idea sounds?

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