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    Spider-Man Versus Crotch Rot!

    This is exactly why Sony (wisely) went ahead and released an official photo of Andrew Garfield as the new Spider-Man.

    A handful of gossip sites (Daily Mail, Holy Moly, Pop Sugar) have their own set of pictures taken from the exterior Los Angeles set. That appears to be Garfield in action in his new threads. He appears to be fighting not a mugger, of some sorts, but also what looks to be crotch rot.

    Damn, that looks bad. It just goes to show you these superhero costumes can look great or terrible given the proper context and thanks to the advent of Photoshop. It also just reminds me even more as to why Star Trek 2 is going to kick their ass next June.

    Reader Comments (7)

    Jamie stop hyping up Star Trek 2! Star Trek 2009 wasn't even that good of a movie to begin with imo. I'm pretty sure the Spiderman reboot will be a better movie than Star Trek 2.

    02-4-2011 | Unregistered CommenterA2THEH

    While I liked Star Trek, I have to repeat A2THEH above statements about the Trek II hype. I wouldn't be totally surprised if it ended up being another Iron Man 2, though I hope not.

    As I said before, the more I hear about this new Spidey film, the more I want to see it... but then again, I never cared for the first two Rami films (he was the wrong choice in my opinion) and I never bothered watching the third one.

    02-5-2011 | Unregistered Commenterwelshfilmbuff

    i dont see the fam issue with the costume, sure there is a spot there which is probably from getting dirty during filming/due to material/cup stunt/actor probably is wearing for protection. It will probably look better in film.

    02-5-2011 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

    "Crotch-rot" not withstanding, the more I see of this suit, the less I like it. We'll see what it looks like in the film and the actual promotional images, but right now I'm not feeling it.

    02-5-2011 | Unregistered CommenterKal-El Fan

    All though I routinely disagree with Jamie on many matters of film, I have to agree that Spider-Man between Star Trek II & Dark Knight Rises is an uphill battle for the master of web.

    02-5-2011 | Registered CommenterPeter Georgiou

    The pic releases so far have been pretty unstellar.
    I'll save my final opinions until movie day, as I generally try to do, but I wasn't much a fan of a new round of Spidey so soon after the first trilogy anyway. All the best to them.

    02-5-2011 | Unregistered CommenterJon

    That is.....terrible.

    02-5-2011 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

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