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    New War Horse Trailer Grabs Your Heart Just Like the First One

    The last time I can recall people getting emotionally-connected to a non-human character in the lead of a major motion picture was Wall-E. You take one look at that little robot and your heart melts, and that all came from the design of his eyes. Steven Spielberg confessed that was the secret to his success with E.T. to the late great Gene Siskel.

    Looking at the first trailer for War Horse, you see that all over and that trend continues with the latest trailer. Not too much of a difference with this second go-around of selling the WWI-set drama. It has same the layout, same John Williams-score playing, simply more dialogue and some of the footage we saw from the initial trailer is re-arranged and the same result at the end.

    Which is me getting misty-eyed watching it.

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