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    Paul Greengrass Rumored as Cleopatra Director

    Sony and producer Scott Rudin may have lost out on James Cameron. Goddamn would have that been a coup. But a more alluring director is out there for their planned 3D epic Cleopatra with Angelina Jolie.

    Everyone remains rightfully mum on the matter. Hey until all their I's are dotted and T's crossed, it's never a bad thing to shut up. Although their search is said to be coming close to a commitment, and that someone, says "TOLDJA," may be Paul Greengrass.

    Since walking away from the lucrative Bourne franchise, the British filmmaker has had his finger in the pie of a number of effects-laden tentpoles that just didn't work out. Most recently came those talks between him and 20th Century Fox for the Cameron-produced Fantastic Voyage remake. Until, whatever reason, he decided to head to Warner Brothers for Treasure Island.

    If Greengrass winds up being Sony's guy for Cleopatra and it being a high-priority, I guess that means Treasure Island fell apart. All this bed-hopping from one tentpole to another (Don't forget for awhile he and Matt Damon were hooking back up for Bourne 4) has us all intrigued as to what he'll settle on.

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