Alfonso Cuaron's Gravity Struggling to Cast Lead

How many actors can genuinely open a movie based on the power of their headlining? Very few. Now of those thespians, how many are women? That’s the problem currently facing Warner Brothers.
"TOLDJA" says trouble is afoot on Gravity, Alfonso Cuaron's latest. The science fiction project centers on a woman in space and her race to return to Earth and her daughter. Simple enough description, but the production is quite ambitious (to be filmed in 3D, a combination of live-action and heavy motion-capture work and a large portion of the film dictated solely to our protagonist a la Tom Hanks in Cast Away).
The problem is such a production will be timely and, more importantly, expensive and Warner Brothers wants someone who can firmly secure asses in seats to justify making this flick. Angelina Jolie (who was originally offered the project) has now twice rejected the opportunity to star and the studio is reportedly struggling to find a suitable candidate in her place.
Even with Robert Downey Jr. co-starring (although it's a supporting role and he’ll be in and out between filming the Sherlock Holmes sequel for WB) this puts Gravity in serious doubt. Knock on wood, the studio and Cuaron will find their lead. But it ain't looking so good, and I was really looking forward to this one. Dammit!
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