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    Third Daniel Craig James Bond Film Cancelled - Is His Reign Over?

    Walking out of Casino Royale four years ago, my initial reaction (beyond how great the film itself was) was how long Daniel Craig would occupy the role. "Craig’ll end up doing four or five movies!" I remember telling my friends. The franchise found itself creatively rejuvenated in a way I can't recall in awhile. Not since the original Connery reign, could I think of an actor who fans wanted to be themselves.

    So when the news hit a few months back of the next installment being placed on "indefinite hiatus," many of us fans worried. Was this turning into a repeat of the early 90s for 007? We remember the on-going legal troubles all but killed the Timothy Dalton reign. Sadly it appears MGM’s financial woes may very well have claimed Craig's tenure.

    AICN says all work on the third film (written by Peter Morgan and to be directed by Sam Mendes) has been cancelled. But before anyone can blow this off as Internet bullshit, Eon Productions released this statement to the UKs Daily Mirror:

    "We do not know when development will resume and cannot comment further at this stage."

    Alas, the longer this turmoil drags out, the less likely it appears Craig will return to the role. Who knows how long his contract says he has to wait till it expires.

    Reader Comments (3)

    Damn!!! I was dreading this news

    07-6-2010 | Registered CommenterMitch Anderson

    He reminded me a lot of Connery. this really blows

    07-6-2010 | Unregistered CommenterDave

    It ain't over till its over.

    Even if the film doesn't get made, someone is going to write a book about this and Sam Mendes' Bond 23 will join the pantheon of legendary unmade Bond movies like 'Warhead'.

    07-6-2010 | Registered CommenterPhil Gee

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