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    Christian Bale Headlining The Last Photograph

    The Last Photograph was announced last year with Sergey Bodrov (Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan) attached to direct. Cut to today and it appears the Russian helmer is off. But that's not to suggest the project itself is DOA.

    Our pals at Pajiba (as per their mole The Hollywood Cog) say Christian Bale is set to headline the film, originating from Zach Snyder and being written by his 300 screenwriter Kurt Johnstad.

    We've had some much-needed cooling off time from Bale since his duo of high-profile under-performers Terminator: Salvation and Public Enemies last year. I think it's been long enough now for us to see the Welsh actor again.

    Although it's listed in the "Rumor" bin, they're also hearing Niels Arden Oplev (director of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo) could wind up directing.

    When Photograph gets going is another question. Bale has a third trip to Gotham City and second collaboration with Terrence Malick on this "To do" list.

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