Josh Hutcherson: The Almost Spider-Man

Early on we were told by sources that Josh Hutcherson was a favorite of Sony's for the role of "Spider-Man" in the upcoming reboot. Some sources were even telling us that he actually had the role. If that was the case, it is pretty obvious that The Brothers Warner "cock-blocked" him and exercised his option on "Journey To The Center Of The Earth 2". Take that Josh.
If you think about it, it sort of makes sense. Why would Warner Bros let an actor they have under contract branch off to play a top Marvel character at another studio, especially since WB is connected to DC Comics? Welcome to Hollyweird.
It's hard not to think of what could have been if Josh had been cast, that is why it was interesting to receive screencaps of what looks like his screen test from an anonymous source. Now we get to see what he would have looked like as Peter Parker. What do you think? Move over Andrew Garfield or thanks but no thanks?
Reader Comments (8)
Are there audition tapes, VTR, audio tapes and such of Josh's audition that you can still post. Please and thanks. And thanks for this article and photos! MORE SPIDERMAN AUDITION STUFF OF HIM! :))
WOW! He looks wayyyy more like spidey wtf happened there
I think the other guy is taller and more skrawny. Josh would have been a lot better... minus the pizza face lol
@ Crystal
That is makeup.
I got nothing against the kid, but I don't think he fits the part that well. Really, Anton Yelchin seemed like a great idea. I'm interested to see how Andrew Garfield does though, he seems like a good enough actor.
Don't why they gave Josh acne makeup lol, but I think he would have been good. Garfield is solid choice though.
i wouldnt have mind josh myself. i think he is a growing talent. and has the age/look down for the role. i would have been interested to see what he brought to the table. but alas its not to be and we got andrew, i wish him the best of luck.
ACNE! ACNE! They should have done a better job with the makeup. I mean I love the guy, but those pimples distracted me from the rest of him. LOL, love you Josh. Peace.