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    Indiana jones Starts Shooting Next Year?


    Yes you read that right, Indiana Jones is said to start filming next year. I figured one of two things would happen after Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Either Lucas and Spielberg would never touch Indie again after that CGI filled peice of shit, or they would come back one last time and leave the franchise with it's dignity intact. Turns out the latter is the case here.

    I grew up watching and loving the Indian Jones films, so for me Indie 4 was absolute crap. That's not to say that I'm not up for another sequel, but they better bring their A game this time.

    Stuff out of New Zealand is reporting the following rumor:

    Indiana Jones 5 will begin shooting next year, and much of the plot line will be centred around the Bermuda Triangle, an area over the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft are said to have disappeared.

    "George (Lucas) and Steven (Spielberg) have been working on a script and it's almost there," a source explained.

    "Harrison is on stand-by for filming next year. This looks like being an emotional and exciting conclusion to the franchise, with Indy facing his biggest challenge yet."

    Reader Comments (3)

    I didn't like Indie 4, but I didn't like Indie 2 either. Maybe it's just the even-numbered Indies that suck? Spielberg is pretty much a coinflip in terms of storytelling quality anymore, but he's still a very sharp director. I'll see it, I love Raiders and Last Crusade to death.

    06-8-2010 | Unregistered CommenterJ

    I agree with you the first and third were great. I should have clarified, those are my favorites as well.

    I hope they use more practical FX this time around.

    06-8-2010 | Registered CommenterMitch Anderson

    Yeah, I agree. I have nothing against CG, but I think the general rule should be, "don't create with CGI what you can do with practical effects." Making an entire alien ecosystem a la Avatar? Go for it. Crashing a car + explosion? Practical effects are far more satisfying.

    I just didn't like the script very much for Crystal Skull. The setting was fine, and I think the idea of moving from the 1930s pulp serials into the 1950s science fiction stories is sensible even if the Doc Savage-y stories can be more fun. Problem was, the movie felt like it started about five different times before it ever got going.

    I dunno if they can ever top Last Crusade, but if there's one genre of film that I absolutely love that is so lacking today, it's the adventure/quest movie. Like I mentioned about Spielberg, I think he's still "got it" in terms of assembling scenes and working with his cinematographer for as sharp visuals as he's ever been, but the screenwriters he's worked with lately have been screwing everything up. Minority Report started off great and devolved into garbage by the end, and I even liked much of War of the Worlds up until the whole Tim Robbins stuff.

    Crystal Skull's story took forever to get going anywhere. I suppose the blame is still ultimately on Spielberg since he was willing to make the film based on its screenplay, but I haven't lost total faith in the guy.

    06-8-2010 | Unregistered CommenterJ

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