WME is selling Joaquin Phoenix's mockumentary
Are you wondering where Academy award nominated actor Joaquin Phoenix has been? He has apparently quit acting to pursue a career as a rapper, yes you read that right, a rapper.
His long months of bizarre behavior culminated in his semi-mute interview with David Letterman that was as surreal as anything Andy Kaufman ever did. And, his musical debut at the Las Vegas night club LAVO where he claimed to be a homeless rapper, jumped around the stage, and fell off.
Casey Affleck has completed that much-talked about and long-awaited mockumentary he directed about his brother-in-law Joaquin Phoenix's eccentric metamorphosis from actor to hip-hop musician (or so we've been led to believe). I'm told that the film made its debut in a private lunchtime screening at WME headquarters last week for buyers -- including Harvey Weinstein -- who were sworn to secrecy. WME is selling the film, and it may only take a couple of days to reach a deal. I hear the agency and the distributors intend to keep the mock's content under wraps for as long as they can for maximum shock value. (So it won't be part WME Global's sales push at the Cannes Film Festival.) Presumably, the film answers Hollywood's bewilderment about whether Joaquin was serious about quitting acting -- or whether he was just, well, acting.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this was all just a publicity stunt on Pheonix' part, probably just because he was bored. Why else would there be such secrecy surrounding his "mockumentary", not to mention the fact that it's being called a "mockumentary".
As ridiculous as this all sounds, I for one am very interested to see what all the secrecy is about. I actually enjoy Phoenix' acting, so I really hope he isn't quiting a successful career in acting to be the homeless rapper, although he does look hilarious.
Reader Comments (8)
he looks hilarious here, i hope he actually is quiting acting for this, its too funny lmao
The Game and Eminem both have albums coming out this year, he should get on there, help promote his career lmao
He used to be hot, before he went crazy that is. I hope he comes back
He was good in I Walk the Line, but what else did he really do that great in? nothing. I don't care if becomes the grizzly man freak rapper
what??! He was great in We Own the Night, how about Gladiator..and Ladder 49, Signs...
I think this is funny, but lets not kid our selves he's a great actor
I can agree with Gladiator, ok, but that was how long ago? And signs, ladder 49, really?? We own the night..meh
I thought Ladder 49 was a great movie, signs was ok, and We own the night was great too.
I guaruntee this was a stunt
Most definitely. He's a strange guy but Hollywood needs weirdos like him. A lot of guys in Hollywood are strange. Depp's weird, Rourke's weird, RDjr is eccentric as hell. Doesn't take away from their ability to me at all.