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    Another Superman Origin Story, Eh?

    Let's just push aside that Zac Efron rumor. We all know it's more full of shit than my nephew's Huggies. So I'm not even gonna link the fucking thing.

    On the other hand, Feature Film Auditions (via What's Playing) has what appears to be the plot for Zack Snyder's Superman reboot and the sides being given the various fresh-faced no-names up for the Man of Steel. Yep, we're getting the origin story once more. As if we didn't already have enough of it from Richard Donner's '78 classic or more recently on Smallville (or as I call it "Superman: Cock-block"):

    "Clark Kent is a freelance reporter in his early 20’s, traveling all around the world covering various news stories. However, Kent is forced to fly back into action to attain a fleeing assassin instead of covering an ethnic conflict between the Ghuri and Turaaba clans in West Africa. Upon his return to form, Kent returns to Smallville to learn more about his origins and become the hero he was born to be."

    This also contradicts statements made by Snyder stating this incarnation wouldn't be based off any comics. The above description screams Birthright – the 2003 Mark Waid-written comic reboot on the character, myth, etc.

    Oh, and Anne Hathaway is up for Lois Lane as we all expected – she reportedly met with producer Nolan for his Dark Knight Rises, but everyone assumed he also went ahead and talked about Superman while they were there.  A solid choice if picked – age-appropriate, determined and talented. Quite the looker too.

    Reader Comments (14)

    Doesn't just scream it, I think pretty much stolen from it.

    I really really don't want another origin tale.

    11-23-2010 | Unregistered CommenterGametavern

    well i personally do hope there is an origin story/aspects told. since this is a new film adaption to the character. which i still say should have some origin stuff told. to help difference it from reeve/routh films. But isnt that feature film auditions thing just some made up description castings places use to get actors to test. Since official information isnt given out?

    11-23-2010 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

    Stolen is a good analogy. I'm not excited for a retelling either. Hopefully it just starts with him traveling and skips all of his high school and before years

    11-23-2010 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

    This was posted about a month ago by heatvision I think, not sure, anyways...everyone came out and debunked it then, so why repost it now with a new site claiming the scoop on the plot which if true was already revealed by someone else.

    11-23-2010 | Unregistered CommenterThat Guy

    11-23-2010 | Unregistered Commenter...

    I'm sorry, I didn't read Birthright, but are the conflicts between those two clans integral to the entire plot or just a set-up to what Clark is doing away from home? If they're not all that important I hope the producers drop that line from the "official" synposis.

    11-23-2010 | Unregistered CommenterLL

    I think its just a conflict that have clark use his powers and decide to be a hero. Then they are connected to lex or something. But yea this is just a testing description so I wouldn't fret about it now. Hopefully nolan/snyder will give out some details in coming months so we can see things better.

    11-23-2010 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

    I think the synopsis is a smokescreen.

    11-23-2010 | Unregistered CommenterKryptonian

    I'm in the camp that thinks its definately time for another origin, but not starting from birth, rather just focusing on the time leading up to him becoming superman. I say this because IMO its absolutely necessary for the audience to connect with clark if they want this movie to succeed. That said, the synopsis is birthrights, so I doubt its coming from the actual script. As for Hathaway I definately don't want to see her as lois or in a batman film for that matter, but it looks like its going to happen.

    11-23-2010 | Unregistered Commentersolidsnake86

    Olivia Wilde is the better choice to play Lois Lane in my opinion. Anne Hathaway may be the favorite right now, but Olivia Wilde could emerge as a dark horse. She starring in two high profile films, this year Tron Legacy and next summer Cowboys & Aliens. This could elevate her into A-list status and get her notice by the Superman casting director.

    11-23-2010 | Unregistered CommenterBMAN

    @ BMAN: I've never seen Olivia Wilde act in anything (yet), so until I do I'm considering her to be the female version of Sam Worthington for now- -and obviously that's not a compliment.

    And as far as Anne Hathaway goes, YES she IS extremely talented, but to me she is just... well, 'ugly'. I watched like 10 minutes of Happy Valentine's Day on HBO the other night and I was just completely disracted by her odd features.

    11-23-2010 | Unregistered CommenterDannyDreg

    That synopsis is not LIKE Birthright it literally IS Birthright. They are only using it for casting, it's not the movie's actual synopsis. That having been said, if they are using Birthright for the casting sides that MIGHT mean that the actual story will be similar. Therefore it is fairly reasonable to assume that we are getting some kind of origin.

    As to the other news, I wouldn't mind Anne Hathaway for Lois, but she wouldn't be my first choice.

    11-23-2010 | Unregistered CommenterKal-El Fan

    Totally we don't n eed to see all of his krypton/teen sv life and all that. They can be briefly mentioned. We should start at point right before clark goes to metropolis and why he becomes/creates superman persona. We need to know why this clark is different and why he decides to be a hero.

    11-24-2010 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

    Armie Hammer or Henry Cavill only please.....especially since Routh is not coming back. No need to waste time and energy doing a world wide casting search for Superman....AGAIN?

    Anne Hathaway, Rachel McAdams as Lois Lane very much so please! Yummy!

    Olivia Wilde is too skinny to be Lois Lane. We already saw a skinny girl as Lois when Bosworth played her in SR and we don't need to see another rail thin girl again as Lois.

    11-24-2010 | Unregistered CommenterDark Knight1

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