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    Alien Prequels Hit Speed Bump

    Those two big Alien prequels Ridley Scott was developing? You remember, the ones I objected to as a stupid idea and no need of connecting-the-dots before Kane's (eventually) dead ass woke up?

    Script Flags says the project is suffering from a case of butting heads. Scott wants a budget fit for his epic scope ($250 million, give or take) and a hard-core 18 rating (R here on the domestic front) with lots of good juicy violence. 20th Century Fox is on the other end of the debate wanting the opposite of what old Ridley is pushing for – something considerably cheaper and with a PG-13 rating.

    A PG-13 Alien movie.

    Come on, Fox, I see your resistance of handing an obese-sized blank check to Scott after a recent string of under-performers and you know what, I'm on your side here. That's too much money to blow on something that'll be restrictive to certain paying movie-goers. But at least give the man his R rating in exchange for a tighter-around-the-belt price-tag.

    Feels like moot talk anyway. I never really saw this movie happening, and judging by this conflict getting out, this could be a downward sign of things to come for the Alien prequel. And no, I won't whine and slam my keyboard with "FUCK STUUUUUPID FOX!" remarks when the inevitable occurs. A prequel to Scott's '79 classic is a terrible idea – even if the great helmer himself is back behind the camera.

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