Zombieland Writers Confirmed for Deadpool
The information about Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick (screenwriters responsible for Zombieland) being hired to pen Deadpool has been out in the open for a month now. It originated from CHUD for those who care. So props to them (particularly author Devin Faraci) for that.
Cut to now and the trades have "broken" the exact same story. Boy, isn’t that a weird coincidence? Would one call that stealing? It doesn’t help matters that they’re actually charging you money for basically cutting and pasting info broken by movie-news sites. All the while, they won’t even give them the professional (and just plain ethical) courtesy of giving them credit for breaking such stories. Yeah, that is a total dick move.
And that, boys and girls, is why I won’t give them credit when they actually break stories all their selves. Is that a dick move on my part? You decide.
Getting back to the topic on hand, so 20th Century Fox is serious about letting Ryan Reynolds headlining this potential comic-book franchise while Warner Brothers has him committed to do the same for Green Lantern (that starts filming in the coming months)? I still find that hard to believe.
Sure, Robert Downey Junior is headlining both the Iron Man and now Sherlock Holmes series. But those aren’t mutually exclusive to comics like Green Lantern and Deadpool are. I’ll believe it when I see it , to be honest.
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