Spidey Sense Tingling! Spider-Man 4 Won't Hit 2011?

If you were hoping to see Spider-Man swinging again onto the silver screen, you better sit down.
Deadline Hollywood reports, as of now, there is no start date on Spider-Man 4 and the film will not make its May 5, 2011 release date. Director Sam Raimi and Sony are having it out over issues regarding the script, who to have as the villain, etc. Things are looking pretty bad for old Webhead.
Does any of this sound familiar? It should. That’s because IESB broke the exact same information right before the Christmas holidays last month. Due to the highly sensitive nature of such a property, plenty came out and tried to debunk the story - citing spokespersons from the studio. Uh, it’s their job to lie.
But here’s the thing though, kids. The original article from Team Sanchez made too much sense for it to be wrong. You’re telling me that the filmmakers and studio were going to solve all their issues over the screenplay, villain, casting, etc. in the span of a month or so and still start filming by March? I don’t think so. Not to mention, the absolute silence from both the Spider-Man camp and Sony was damning before the story even hit. If everything was going hunky-dory, they would have been making plenty of noise to hype up the start of production.
Finke’s piece does add some interesting new info to the fold. Raimi and the studio have hired yet another screenwriter - Alvin Sargent (who had a hand in penning the last two films). So now a fourth writer is on-board to fix everyone’s issues? Yet another bad sign, folks. She also confirms the Movieline piece about John Malkovich being Raimi’s choice for Vulture and the prospects of Anne Hathaway joining appear to be DOA (aka too much money).
So what does it mean for the fourth installment in the long run? Personally, I think it's only a matter of time before Raimi walks - assuming he hasn't already. Too much bullshit trying to make Spider-Man 4 and it could be all for naught. After the last film (that nerds and general public alike hated), I don't know anyone who honestly cares about this franchise anymore. It feels like a lost cause to be honest.
Reader Comments (5)
Hollywood confuses me. Shouldn't the villain have been the first thing discussed before the pen hit paper? There shouldn't even have been a script without that. So maybe Sony is just not happy with how he's being portrayed?
Anyway, this is the main problem with most superheroes. They only have one or two interesting villains and the rest are all down to execution.
Hilarious how a number of websites and forum geniuses were claiming Rob @ IESB was a fraud and this news was bogus.
LOL. I remember that.
This is similar to the same crap Singer was going through after Returns disappointed and his ideas never gelled with the studio's. Crazy considering Spidey 3 made the most at the B.O.
This is funny because if you read the spider-man forums on SSH everyone was bashing IESB very quickly after that Sony cover up... I mean response. Let's face it, if everything was ready to go I doubt they would have even responded to it. Should be interesting to see what they do next, maybe they could hire ratner to film it if they were desperate to get it out, lol. If it doesn't happen along with pirates 4 it will definately shake up the summer. I could see one of the three remaining comic book films claiming that date.
i remember Jami when you said that something was not right when they after 2 or 3 scripts still didnt know what villain to use. this was months ago right?
this is now the time for Raimi to show if he has balls. he made 3 spiderman movies. he made enough SM movies to show what kind of vision he has. lets see if he is a bit''''