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    Smith & Theron Return For Hancock Sequel

    I’m not one of those people who believe that just because I hated a film everyone else did too. Far from it, audiences ate up cinematic shit buckets like the Pirates of the Caribbean sequels and both Transformers like it was ice cream. That's fine and I get that. I just can’t think of too many people who actually enjoyed the “Will Smith as an alcoholic dickhead superhero” vehicle Hancock back in July 2008.

    But Smith’s an honest-to-God movie star (very few of those around – the others being Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and Tom Hanks) who will bring in audiences at packed cinema-house no matter what he headlines. Unless it’s Seven Pounds, apparently.

    We heard a few weeks ago that Sony and director Peter Berg were moving forward on a sequel going as far to hire screenwriters.  Now Berg confirms to MTV what we had already assumed by this point. Will Smith will return to done the leather eagle-logoed suit again in addition to his immortal super-powered God co-star Charlize Theron and presumably Jason Bateman (aka the only person who walked away from that clutterfuck mess with dignity intact). And there will apparently be a third God introduced (the villain I guess?) with a “well-known name” actor being eyed for the role.

    Smith’s worldwide popularity notwithstanding, this sounds like the cast and crew are more interested in exploring the “mythology” from Hancock than everyone else. So don't be surprised if this is another Angels & Demons where the sequel does half of the box-office from the first film.

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