Has Salvation Sequel Been Terminated by Bankruptcy Filing?

Honest to Christ, do people still seriously think there's going to be a sequel to Terminator: Salvation?
The LA Times reports on yet another nail in its coffin. Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek (two of the producers behind Salvation and the current owners of the Terminator rights) have filed for bankruptcy. What makes matters worse is their creditors is a hit-list of key players involved in the production of the film. Among those listed include Warner Brothers, McG, Christian Bale, Dan Lin, Paul Haggis and Arnold Schwarzenegger. There are others listed, but you get the idea.
What this basically means is there's no way you're going to see McG or Bale willing to play ball for Terminator 5 (even though both currently have multi-million dollar options on the table) until they're paid what's already owed to them for Salvation.
As I've previously said, DVD sales aren't going to be a saving factor this time out nor will foreign box-office numbers. Salvation was expected to do $225-250 million stateside and around $500-600 million worldwide. So far, it's earned less than Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. You know, the one that everyone shit on claiming it "destroyed the franchise" while Salvation was in development. Oh, revisionist history.
Reader Comments (4)
Another Terminator would be a waste of time for any studio and any movie goer at this point.
So wait, are we still getting another McG Terminator fiilm? Lol
Well, as far as I'm concerned, we got a taste of Future War. Things may have slightly altered due to what was changed in the "past" (multiple timelines?) and while I wasn't entirely disappointed with Salvation, I know many who were. In any case...we kind of know what happens next, don't we? At some point, Reese is sent back to 1984 and John Connor is born a short time later.
Let sleeping dogs lie.
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