Rob Marshall and Captain Jack Sparrow: Together At Last?

Did my (little-to-none) interest in Pirates of the Caribbean 4 just gain a pulse?
I'd say that's a definite as the trades report Chicago director Rob Marshall is in serious talks to direct the fourth Pirates installment. Although the deal is not 100% signed, sealed and delivered, it's apparently good enough that the studio has started up on casting for new characters. Yeah, that's what this fucking franchise needs: even more characters.
This certainly gels with the news-item from last week where Disney head of production Oren Avi confirmed filming would begin this coming Spring for a Summer 2011 release.
I'll admit that Marshall is an "out there" choice - especially when you consider Bruckheimer and the Mouse could have just as easily gone after a McG or Brett Ratner type for this.
But it's said odd-ball decision that actually *gasp!* has me curious about Pirates 4 now. Who woulda thought that, huh?
Reader Comments (1)
I'm curious as to what the plot will be