Narnia 3 Begins Voyage Into Production

It looked like the Narnia franchise was as good as dead after Prince Caspian churned out $420 million worldwide (a disappointing gross when you account for the $750 million the first film made) and not-so-hot home-video sales. It didn't help matters that Disney was purposefully dragging their ass in getting the third installment Voyage of the Dawn Treader off the ground. Sure they hired a director (Michael Apted), started constructing sets and had their young leads lined up to return to the world of fantasy-themed Christian allegory once again. But the start-date kept getting delayed with the final straw being the Mouse letting the rights to the franchise expire this past Christmas.
Then came along a savior in the form of 20th Century Fox who were ready, willing and able to spilt the $120+ million costs with Walden Media. A Christmas 2010 theatrical release date was set and all seemed right in the world of Narnia.
Now the studio has announced today (via Coming Soon) that filming has officially commenced on Dawn Treader in Australia. Production is expected to wrap up this coming November for it's "day and date" unveiling next December.
Before this morning's news, I was starting to think that Fox (like Disney a year ago) had cold feet towards bankrolling such an expensive property that basically peaked with The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe back in 2005. I still maintain that had Disney kept Caspian in its original Christmas 2007 release date, we wouldn't be here talking about how a third Narnia film is just now getting made (and with an opposing studio to boot!)
It will nevertheless be interesting to see how the film holds its own (if at all!) against the likes of Disney's Tron Legacy and Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows - Part I next year.
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