Movie Moan - Three Men and A Lot of Bullshit

Because the Thanksgiving holidays are upon us, there isn't too terribly much news to report this week. Regardless, your pals at Movie Moan (Phil, the "mean" Ed and Jamie) are here to supply your weekly podcast needs. However due to the afore-mentioned lacks of news, the guys spend most of the hour bullshitting off-topic and so on.
Our heroes talk about the latest round of Spider-Man 4 rumors, Preacher being adapted for the big or small screen, the never ending "Will Khan appear in Star Trek 2?" question and and the Twilight phenomenon (with the $140 million opening of New Moon and all). In between those topics come conversations about the Macy's Day Parade, movies opening on Christmas Day in the U.S. vs. them opening in the U.K. on Boxing Day, Thanksgiving memories and Super Mario Brothers Wii.
Ed gives us his thoughts on G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra and how it made a decade too late. Jamie recreates a meeting between McG and HitFix big-cheese Drew McWeeny and discovers how 2012 is a "prequel" to District 9. It all makes sense now.
Reader Comments (3)
ITA about all the Twilight hate. Fanboys who made excuses for the first Transformers have no business bitching out Twilight fans.
I did like New Moon though so I'm really only talking about the first movie.
Phil's going to his deathbed saying, "accelerator suits" like Citizen Kane.