Movie Moan: Rating on the Arby’s Scale

Fuck "Two Thumbs Up" or the five-star system. The Movie Moan team has concocted a new manner of rating movies – the Arby's Scale. The only one that's both informative and delicious!
With everything relatively light on the news-front, Phil, Ed, Lou & Jamie stick with reviews and a single (albeit lengthy) discussion for this week's podcast. Lou gives his thoughts on Tron: Legacy footage screened at the Toronto Fan-Expo as well as his review for The Last Exorcism. Phil reviews Avatar: Special Edition and Ed reviews Machete.
Now that the 2010 Summer movie season is officially over this Labor Day holiday weekend, the guys reflect on what they've seen. What movies worked, what didn't and everything else in between including random off-topic discussions like Phil's memories of The Lovely Bones and how Jamie thinks Stallone should have done Rocky 5.
Reader Comments (8)
Firstly, I was wrong. There are actually FIVE montages in Rocky IV (the grief montage over Apollo's death set to 'no easy way out', the arrival in Russia to 'burning heart', the first training montage before Adrian shows up, the second training montage to 'hearts on fire', and the big fight montage over ten rounds of Sly vs. Dolph). That's quite a feat.
And on reflection, I seemed to swear a lot more than usual on tonigh's show. Sorry about that folks. I know it's not clever. It's just been a really bad summer.
Maybe these don't count, but the recap of the third film at the start and the bit with James Brown feel like montages, too!
Phil to bad that you payed money for the Avatar special edition.
since a lot of the big sites described what would be in the 9 minutes. and they made it very clear that is only 9 minutes.
the Blur Ray will have all the deleted scenes in november. 16 minutes of finished scenes and all unfinished scenes (previz).
sorry but its your own fault. they never said that it would be more then 9 minutes. they really made it clear from day one how it is going to be.
If it makes you feel any better Phil, I nearly saw Avatar: SP yesterday...
but I saw Inception for the third time, instead.
Oh don't worry guys. I just joke about it on air. It was truly nice to see Avatar on an IMAX screen again. It's one of those experiences I can't get enough of. But I am able to critically distance myself from that and say the extra footage added nothing of interest, there is no Na'vi sex scene and all the cut material I had heard about was not there.
How can I not be dissapointed?
EAT CUM JAMIE!!!! XD Just kidding of course.
I actually liked Iron Man 2 but it should've been better.
"Did anyone see Robin Hood? No, No, No, Yes I mean no." Simpsons reference anyone? Cary Elwes will always be Robin Hood to me remember unlike many Robin Hoods he can speak with a English accent.
Both Predator 1 and 2 were good. Um but I hated Predators to this day what a disappointment!
Chris Nolan is one of the few directors in Hollywood right now that will guarantee a great film.
1941 is not a good but I do think Eddie Deezen was very funny in that movie.
PS:Love the tumbleweed joke!...Again.
My earliest memory is of seeing "Back to the Future" in the theater. I was around 3 or 4, and remember getting scared and hiding when Doc Brown got out of the DeLorean for the first time, because his white hair and crazy face freaked me out. Enjoy it Phil, lucky bastard.
With "Back to the Future" returning to British theaters, and "The Exorcist" returning on September 30th, I was reminded of all the classic movies I've desperately wanted to see on the big screen. FIlms like "2001: A Space Odyssey", "Lawerence of Arabia", or even "My Fair Lady" were all before my time, and give anything to see them on a big movie screen. Since you guys are going to talk about the movie going experience in your next debate, maybe you'd like to talk about the classic movies you'd love to see in a theater.
And here's a repost of my problems with going to the movies.
Things I hate about going to the movies.
1. Anyone from the age of 12 to 21. Seriously kid, shut the **** up.
2. Parents bringing toddlers to movies. When I went to see Hellboy 2, this woman walked in with a stroller, and the kid ran around the theater all throughout the movie.
3. Incompetent theater staff. I'm so tired of being the guy who has to talk to management to get something fixed while the movie is playing. It's either a loud buzzing noise coming from the speakers, a dimly lit screen, or no picture at all. Seriously, when did running a movie theater become a minimum wage job?
4. No 2D screening for a 3D film. I will be very sad if this is the way theaters start running things. You know what, maybe I don't want to pay extra money to see a viewmaster version of the film, especially if they turn out like Clash of the Titans.
That's a great idea Lighthouse to talk about the films we want to see on the big screen. I will definately make sure we tackle that in an upcoming show.