Movie Moan: Nothing To See Here, Please Disperse!

Hey loyal listeners, thanks for stopping by but I'm afraid your Movie Moan fix will go unsatisfied this week and there will be no new podcast.
Most of us are engaged in other important duties today and ask for your forgiveness. Rest assured, we will return next week.
To be fair, 'Crashing Hollywood' have themselves a missing show so it's only fair that we do the same.
By the way, our next big debate will be on the never ending issue of things we hate about going to the movies. If you would like to contribute your thoughts then please do leave your comments below and I will be sure to include them in the next podcast.
Have a good week everybody.

Reader Comments (4)
Don't forget about Avatar: Special Edition, because judging by this weekend's box office everyone else has.
Some M:I IV (or whatever they are gonna call it) discusion would be nice, too.
Don't worry sir, I saw the Avatar special edition and will be telling all next week.
Actually I think not having a show this week is a good thing. I mean only because of the lack of movie news.
Things I hate about going to the movies.
1. Anyone from the age of 12 to 21. Seriously kid, shut the **** up.
2. Parents bringing toddlers to movies. When I went to see Hellboy 2, this woman walked in with a stroller, and the kid ran around the theater all throughout the movie.
3. Incompetent theater staff. I'm so tired of being the guy who has to talk to management to get something fixed while the movie is playing. It's either a loud buzzing noise coming from the speakers, a dimly lit screen, or no picture at all. Seriously, when did running a movie theater become a minimum wage job?
4. No 2D screening for a 3D film. I will be very sad if this is the way theaters start running things. You know what, maybe I don't want to pay extra money to see a viewmaster version of the film, especially if they turn out like Clash of the Titans.
Oh, and Phil should totally gloat about the UK's Back to the Future theater release.