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« Exclusive Interview with Bad Behavior Writers/Directors Nicholas David Brandt & Lisa Hamil | Main | 5 Questions with Superthief Director Tommy Reid »

Exclusive Interview with Bloodline Director & Star Matt Thompson

Bloodline has been in the works for a few years. Well, many years as a matter of fact, its 29 year-old writer, director and star Matt Thompson penned his first draft of the script a decade ago! But his horror dream has finally come to fruition. The film hits U.S. cinemas on September 27. On the eve of its release, he was kind enough to speak to TMT.

Bloodline seems to be all over the media. How exciting is it to see your film getting this type of attention?

It's very exciting. When you work on a project as long as I have on Bloodline, you're as excited as you are anxious for people to see the film finally come out.

The poster is great.  Who came up with that concept? Have you been involved in the marketing process?

I designed the original poster, but Osiris hired the same company that did The Expendables posters who came up with this amazing hand concept. The moment I saw it, I knew we had a winner. I have a background in graphic design so I made sure that everything was top notch along the way.

What interested you about Bloodline? Was it the urge to do something in the horror genre?

I feel like thrillers like Bloodline can grip you in a way no other film can, and I've always been a horror/thriller fan. So, naturally I wanted to film something in it. However, I feel like there is more to Bloodline then just the normal thrills. Brett, my character in the film, is a seminary student going through the motions. He doesn't believe in God or the supernatural, only to find that his own bloodline is cursed by an ancient evil, so it's also gripping from the story side as well.

Is it difficult directing yourself?

It's pretty hard to keep switching in and out of character one minute you're planning the next shot and giving your co-star some directing, then you jump right into a scene with them. I was fortunate to have my good friend and producing partner Michael Reinero as a co-director. He kept an eye on me in the scene and made sure I was delivering the way I should.

Did you have a good working relationship with your actors? They took direction well?

Most everyone was a blast to work with, I felt like we chose only the most talented people we came across, so direction and delivery were never a problem. The hardest thing I think I learned on this shoot was working with actors who had little experience. I really wanted to put some people who hadn't had a shot at a real movie yet in there, but quickly realized they just weren't taking things as seriously as they should be taken. The veterans show up and just do what needs to get done.  In the end, I did have a blast overall and feel like I made some amazing lifelong friends in the process.

Where was the movie filmed?

Bloodline was filmed in Sacramento, El Dorado Hills, and the Jenkison Reservoir.

What's the feedback been like so far?

It's been great! Everyone who has seen the movie enjoys it. The best compliment I got was "That felt like a thriller from the 80's with a modern look!" which, in my opinion was a golden era for film.

Is this the start of a franchise? You hope to do a sequel?

I think a sequel could be a lot of fun. We already have an outline for it, so I'd be stoked to see how we could raise the stakes in the next film.

Where do you hope to go from here - is acting your goal, or filmmaking? or a bit of both?

It's definitely a bit of both. I started as an actor and through the process discovered my ability behind the camera as well. But I feel like to really have an edge these days you have to do more than just act. I have a series I'm in pre-production on called The Hive as well as a feature film in the crime/drama genre. So it’s been fun,  and it makes me feel more in control of my acting career.

Where can we see the movie?

If you live in California it will be playing at the Regal theatres, however it should hopefully be coming to your area soon if you don't. My guess is that it will be everywhere on DVD and video-on-demand within 3-5 months! Also be sure to fan it on Facebook at Bloodline The Movie for updates!

Bloodline opens in cinemas September 27.

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