I don't remember if I am in the minority or majority anymore, nor do I even care, but I enjoyed Superman Returns. Sure there were some major flaws, but there was also a large number of flaws in Man Of Steel and I enjoyed that quite a lot as well. I think Bryan Singer put his heart and soul into Superman and it showed. Now back in the X-Men universe, Singer is doing the same for Fox and is looking to up the ante with X-Men: Apocalypse
Check out his interview with YAHOO MOVIES! where he discusses the 2016 film below and enjoy the Comic-Con poster above.
Singer On Apocalypse:
“Apocalypse is a pretty cool character, X-Men is always centered around the fight between mutants and humans. This one is a bit different, it deals with the concept of ancient mutantism, gods and men. It deals with issues that are global. Apocalypse makes no distinction between humans and mutants, only between the weak and the strong. He as a character is what is so ultimately compelling.”
Singer On The Younger Versions Of Jean, Scott, Storm and Nightcrawler:
“These are very different characters than they were in the films X-Men 1, 2, and 3,” he states. “They are at times in their lives when they are at the most opposite of what they would become. That’s a thrill to me, to take characters I crafted so many years ago and flip them completely on their side and show how they evolved and began.”
Singer On The Classic Suits:
“The X-Men are sort of a fighting team, so it was always an attempt at being realistic to have them in fighting uniforms, flight suits, things like that,” Singer suggests. “In ‘X-Men: First Class,’ which I produced and wrote the story for, we hark back to the original colors of the original costumes from the 1963 comics. I will say that in ‘X-Men: Apocalypse,’ there is a chance -without giving anything away- that you may get closer to seeing what I think, Mr. X-Men News, you are interested in seeing. I know its something that I’ve been interested in, I just always wanted to do it the right way.”